
Augmented Reality in Insurance: Overview and Prominent Providers


January 2021 – This brief provides an overview of augmented reality (AR), the role it can play in insurance, and profiles 14 prominent providers. Augmented reality is a tool to enable digitally immersed stakeholders; it has potential applications for guided underwriting, claims assessments, risk mitigation, and education.

Many insurers have a substantial interest in AR, but experimentation is still at a very early stage. Companies like Apple and Google have software development kits, development studios provide AR authoring tools and support, and insurance specific vendors provide pre-built technologies with potential applications for guided underwriting and claims inspections.

This brief examines AR trends and use cases, as well as profiles 14 prominent providers, including Amazon, Apple, Atheer, Blippar, Frontdoor-Streem, Google, Livegenic, PTC Vuforia, Siemens Mendix, Siemens Solid Edge, Talespin, TechSee, Unity, and

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